Dan Minea

Hola! I’m Dan, nice to meet you! Hope you’re having a fabulous day.

Who I am & what I do

Born in Romania, living in Spain.
Entrepreneur, marketer, learner of new things.
Aspiring pádel player.

What you'll find here is a list of my current projects. Things I'm currently working on or writing about. Enjoy!

Sanely Great

"Insanely Great! That’s how Steve Jobs described his Macintosh Computer."
Sanely Great is the home for all my writing. I love to constantly learn new things and distill that knowledge into simple, useful advice. Marketing, entrepreneurship, personal growth. Everything that piques my curiosity. It's all there.

Digitescu Agency

Digitescu is a boutique marketing agency I've co-founded & am co-managing with my wife, Ioana Minea.
The agency is focused on growth marketing, mainly for B2B startups in the fintech & pharma fields.

Diafit & Diaclass

These are two diabetes-related startups we are currently growing. We have a lot of experience in the diabetes field, from years of working with the largest pharma companies & diabetes communities in Romania.Diafit offers affordable monthly meal plans for people with diabetes.
Diaclass is a free platform with video courses focused on nutrition & diabetes.

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